8 oktober 2018

#SEASONGIFTGUIDES No2: Galaxy never gets boring

Finding fun and unique things to gift your children this holiday season doesn't have to be difficult. Just keep an eye out for our #seasongiftguides. At LilleLykke we source the internet for the most cute, fun, must have items. Sometimes in a theme like here, sometimes just by colour or play theme. 

Galaxy will never bore your kids. It is something mesmerising and even will intrigue us grown ups. As endless as the galaxy is the options for gifts are equally endless. Last year I made a great boys gift guide. This one tends to lean towards the girls. The scratch cards by Djeco are a real treat. Will keep your kids happily busy during the vacation days. And what little one doesn't love a pretty music box to keep your favourite little items. 

What are your favourite SPACE & GALAXY items? 

Space Rangers book (make your own paper rockets) | Fabric vintage watch | Star fall moon Pink print |

Djeco music box Superman mister moon | Brooches space | Velvet star pillows (available in any colour imaginable) | Djeco scratch cards Cosmic Mission

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