26 februari 2010
Een voorproefje...

25 februari 2010
Tine K Home in Elle decoration UK

24 februari 2010

Een naturel interieur is als een blanco canvas. Deze foto van de Sidsel site laat zien dat je met accenten de ruimte tot leven kunt laten komen. Zelf ben ik zeer gecharmeerd van de roze kraan en de lamp op de achtergrond. Maar of ik dat er thuis door krijg....
Keeping the basics of your interior light creates a white canvas for decorating. This image from the Sidsel site shows that accents can let a room come to life. I'm very charmed by the pretty pink tap and the light in the background. But if my love likes it in our home....
23 februari 2010
Week aanbieding

22 februari 2010
Woonkamer mixture
Dit zou voor mij dicht bij het ideale huis komen. Een mooie lichte vloer, veel opbergruimte zonder een overdreven aanwezige kast, een lekkere tafel met een mix van stoelen (inclusief wat design) een een lekkere uitspatting op de muur. Wat persoonlijke touches in de vorm van XL foto's, bloemen en speelgoed en je kunt lekker leven en genieten in een thuis.
For me this comes close to my ideal home. A nice light floor, lots of storage without a huge cabinet in the room, a nice big table with a mixture of (design) chairs and a vibrant very present wall. Some personal touched added like a XL photo, flowers and toys and you have everything to live and enjoy in your home.
18 februari 2010
Er was eens......

Once apon a time.... there was a trip to Scandinavia. This trip planted a seed in my head that grew to become the webshop Lille Lykke. Than there was the blog. Many posts, fun putting it all together and many positive reactions. But the creativity is still growing.... What's next? A shop? No, first we will launch a Lille Lykke i-magazine. We are busy designing the best lay-out and easy to read articles. I'm sure you don't want to miss this. Make sure you go to www.lillelykke.com to register for the newsletter (green label on the right bottom of the front page). The magazine will be launched in spring (- Please note, the magazine will be published in Dutch -)
VT Wonen

This month in the VT Wonen magazine a few amazing features. Like this home with bright colourful items (including some of the Lille Lykke treasures) and a nice home in Amsterdam owned by a Finnish man and Swedish woman. Great to see that the typical Scandinavian home decor is also hiding behind Dutch walls.
16 februari 2010
Dos Family private home

15 februari 2010
Lille Lykke herstelt van CARNAVAL

Maar we zijn alweer volop aan de slag, de rivieren overgestoken richting Rotterdam en carnaval.... dat laat weer een jaartje op zich wachten. Voor zij die nog wel volop in het feestgedruis zitten zeg ik 'ALAAAAAF!'.
In the southern parts of Hollands folks are celebrating carnaval. As a genuine southern girl I've traveled to my birth town and joined the festivities for an evening and afternoon. This must be why I feel so assosiated to this image. Like this vintage bear I would love to put a pillow over my head and say 'Please, come back tomorrow'.
But we're home again, and back to work. And carnaval.... for me it will be there again next year. And for those still celebrating: ALAAAAFFFFF & enjoy!
12 februari 2010
Mini museum

11 februari 2010
Slaapkamer met Marimekko

Free PC wallpaper

Great! Computer wallpapers from Marimekko by Always MOD. Free downloading. I currently have the one top left of the image. And soon you will see more wall decorations with this print.
9 februari 2010
Nog meer 'nieuw van Ferm LIVING'

Did your heart melt when you saw the nuw cushions from Ferm LIVING. Wait until you see what else they've cooked up this winter. Beautiful new candlestands in various colours and shapes, little crocheted poofs in 4 colours and sizes, coark potholders and bottles that look like they've come straight from the laboratory. All these beauties will be deliverable from early April. But soon you can already place your pre-order online.
8 februari 2010
Baby ruitje

Checkers are often found as wallpaper for a nursery. But mostly in baby blue or pink. Not often do you come across a choise like this room from Family Living. A dark blue checkered wall and blue carpet. I must say it works very well in combination with the mini cabinet and vintage lamp and chair. It takes a brave mom that is able to think out of the box to create such a cute room.
5 februari 2010

4 februari 2010
Fris voorjaar

3 februari 2010
Dos Family

One of my favourite interiors on the Dos Family website I wrote about yesterday is the home of DoreDoris. A great mixture of retro, new, design, humor, white and bright coloured accents. The wall in this picture is covered by pages from a comic book. That's the kind of humor I like in a house.
Another picture that is not interior related but puts a huge smile on my face is the one of the daughter. Too cute! This and more can be found on the doredoris.blogg.se.

2 februari 2010
Een mini huisje

The internet is an amazing invention. I think it may be my number one favourite. Although the car also makes the world very accessible. In my lastest search on the web I came across the sites www.aprillaprill.se and www.dosfamily.com. Both very inspiring blogs. This image of a small cabinet transformed into a dollhouse and bookshelve in one comes from Aprill Aprill.
1 februari 2010
Slaapkamer grapje

This image I just found on the Ellmania blog. A little bedroom joke, haging the washing to dry above your bed. Specially with the XL brief above your lovers head. The stool is a beautiful colour accent in the room.