Sometimes I wish I was at a place where it was a little bit colder. Like when the SALE starts at Mini Rodini. Love their SKI TEE, the Star sweatpant and the biker zip hoodie. And the funny thing is that here in Singapore all stores are filled with warm winter clothes.
On Boxing day many of the sales begin and you can really find some good deals around. Next year we'll have 'ceremonial' presents under the tree and a shopping spree on boxing day! You can bring me all over the world but being Dutch I still love a good bargain.
27 december 2013
17 december 2013
Have you started wrapping presents yet?
You may want to look into some of these great gift tags....
We're going for Marks and Spencer christmas wrap combined with white with little stars and neon orange. But for next year I'll definately keep these tags in mind. For all those enjoying the black and white look at the moment... these are perfect!

Black and white by Studio Hey Look from Finland
13 december 2013
Meet HOME-WORK (in the making)
There will be a new kid on the block in Australia, HOME-WORK. Beautiful products of fabrics designed by Lara Davies and Jess Wright and all printed and produced in Melbourne Australia. Personally I totally fell in love with their 'Scrarabian Nights' pillowcases and the gold foil toilet bag.
In order to not take to much risk in with this new venture Lara and Jess had opened an account on Pozible, a crowdfunding creativity site. You could place your pre-orders of your favorites products. This would guarantee them quick payments to their suppliers and a way to fund the expensive start up costs of printing. A great idea as not only do you create funding, you also create a buzz and a group of ambassadors for your new brand.
As production is in full swing at the moment all we can do is sign up for the newletter, follow on Instagram for behind the scenes photos and WAIT.
12 december 2013
They keep popping up on my screen around Christmas
The pretty Kahler Christmas tree candles and new candles keep popping up on my screen around Christmas. Love the Avvento shape, size and how they come with the cute skinny candles. Love that there are new colors added to the collection such as white and shades of grey. And the new Candelina candles have amazing shapes and colors that you can just use all year around. So make sure you find a Kahler Design retailer close to you and go and look, feel and admire.
9 december 2013
PART TWO - HELLO WORLD some of our favorites for your kids
It's time for part TWO. Hopefully by the time we get to Christmas I've managed to do FOUR and we'll call it my weekly advent (only sometimes Christmas as well as these posts has to come early otherwise you cannot get your shopping under the tree in time...). The thing we deal with phieuw!
1. clothes by Littlephant for Lindex (Sweden)
2. Cute and comfortable outfits for kids to wear at the Christmas table by Mothercare (UK & Sg)
3. So admire this success story from Freshly Picked. Make sure you get your kid some mocs. (USA)
4. Just launched... Zilverblauw wallpaper designed by my dear friend Anki. Check out her blog for more pictures and the Hexagonal design. (Netherlands)
1. clothes by Littlephant for Lindex (Sweden)
2. Cute and comfortable outfits for kids to wear at the Christmas table by Mothercare (UK & Sg)
3. So admire this success story from Freshly Picked. Make sure you get your kid some mocs. (USA)
4. Just launched... Zilverblauw wallpaper designed by my dear friend Anki. Check out her blog for more pictures and the Hexagonal design. (Netherlands)
3 december 2013
PART ONE - HELLO WORLD all time favorites for your wishlist
Every year around Christmas I get asked what I would like for a present. Often I write down something that can only be bought online. Most of the times I don't get those things. Now that I live in Singapore any present needs to be shipped anyways. So I thought I might as well put down my HELLO WORLD all time favorites. After all, good design doesn't always have to come from your local shop. I've searched internationally and came up with some real gems.
Here's part ONE. Cause let's be honest... there are so many good things you can find online. I hope to be back with more later this week. Stay posted...
1. cushions DAN300 Group (Australia)
2. bunting and cushion by Place de Bleu (Denmark)
3. wool throws by Rosenbergh Cph (Denmark)
4. amazing posters with great messages by I love my type (Denmark)
< Please note that my HELLO WORLD favorites are no sponsored posts >
2 december 2013
A december project to follow: Winter Animals by Zilverblauw
Here's a project to follow and join if you've gone creative decorating with your little fake animals. It is by my lovely blogger friend Anki from Zilverblauw can called Winter Animals.
She made this little deer and inspired so many others to also get creative. Now she is collecting all those creations on her blog. A lovely collection already and still growing. So if you want to join... I'm definately tempted to add one or two in the next week.
She made this little deer and inspired so many others to also get creative. Now she is collecting all those creations on her blog. A lovely collection already and still growing. So if you want to join... I'm definately tempted to add one or two in the next week.
29 november 2013
Some DIY advent making inspiration
I like all types of advent calenders. When I was a little girl we used to have the ones with tiny chocolates. That were never big enough nor did the days go by fast enough to get to the next one. Let alone get to Christmas!
Here are some modern colorful ideas that I found on Pinterest. The crystal ones are by Mr Printables, the Robots that would be great for a boys family is by Next to nicx, the confetti popper one by You are my fave, the colorful boxes by Studio DIY and finally the matchstick box one by Zoe de las cases.
23 november 2013
Let's get merry, I'm opening the season for Christmas
I know it's early to start talking about Christmas. But living in Singapore makes it a reality that you are well into the Christmas carols, decorations and sweets mid November. And there is no harm in getting organized and screening the web for the best presents. Even if they have to come from the other side of the world...
My sister bought this beanbag which made me curious about the rest of the products from this Australian brand. Mozi has a bit of an traditional English feel to me but with products that are just a little bit different. Combined with modern items they will stand out. Like the sailor and siren salt and pepper grinders. All and all they make cute Christmas presents and as we're still ahead of December there's time to ship it from Australia.
And there is also their vintage christmas collection. With very cute melamine plates, kids aprons and a wrapping paper book. Must admit I'm quite excited about that last one.
My sister bought this beanbag which made me curious about the rest of the products from this Australian brand. Mozi has a bit of an traditional English feel to me but with products that are just a little bit different. Combined with modern items they will stand out. Like the sailor and siren salt and pepper grinders. All and all they make cute Christmas presents and as we're still ahead of December there's time to ship it from Australia.
18 november 2013
Double share... Isa Form
It's a double share as I've recently posted this image on the Kids blog. But just in case you forget to visit that site I had to make sure you wouldn't miss ISA FORM from Sweden. Posters, cushions, tea towels, trays... you'll find all sort of products you'll likely love as much as I do.
Be sure to place your order well in time for Christmas so that you can enjoy the JUL collection at home.
Be sure to place your order well in time for Christmas so that you can enjoy the JUL collection at home.
16 november 2013
We have a winner of the Ketchup on Everything give away. Thank you all for your comments. I will translate them for Kay so that she knows how we all love her products.
Don't forget the 25% discount code (LEAVES) until the 28th of November!!!
We feel this poster or one of the placemats could make a great december present.
Don't forget the 25% discount code (LEAVES) until the 28th of November!!!
We feel this poster or one of the placemats could make a great december present.
9 november 2013
5 november 2013
An amazing home on the river
It's possible to live very comfortably on the water. In the Netherlands you have lovely canalboat houses such as this one. Living above water level and sleeping below water level gives you all the space you need. And when executed this well you end up with an amazing living space, loads of light, ducks swimming by and a constant feeling of holiday.
This boat can be found on the river Amstel and is photographed by Margriet Hoekstra.
1 november 2013
Reconstruction of the 1930s by EGE
Image 1: EGE Instagram
Image 2: EGE Limited Rug Edition catalogue
29 oktober 2013
I like 'Ketchup on Everything'

< give away closes Friday 15th of November >
Kay has also generously given us a 20% discount code for our readers. So if you don't want to wait or have fallen for some of the other items start shopping using the code LEAVES. It runs until the 28th of November.
28 oktober 2013
Long distance decorations shopping
Vorig jaar woonde mijn zus nog in Brisbane Australië. Toen ik haar ging opzoeken was Country Road een van de vele fijne winkels die ik met haar bezocht. Als je de winkel binnen loopt is het in eerste instantie een kleding winkel. Dat ze zoveel geweldige woonaccessoires hebben was me daar nog niet eens goed opgevallen. Dat wat van ver komt en onbereikbaar is maakt meestal extra hebberig. Goed nieuws! Country Road levert naar veel verschillende landen waaronder ook Nederland en Singapore.
Last year my sister was still living in Brisbane Australia. When visiting her we went to several nice stores and Country Road was one of them. Entering the store the first impression is more of a fashion shop than interior. Whatever comes from abroad and seems out of reach most of the times makes extra desirable. Good news! Country Road does international delivery to many countries amongst which the Netherlands and Singapore.
Last year my sister was still living in Brisbane Australia. When visiting her we went to several nice stores and Country Road was one of them. Entering the store the first impression is more of a fashion shop than interior. Whatever comes from abroad and seems out of reach most of the times makes extra desirable. Good news! Country Road does international delivery to many countries amongst which the Netherlands and Singapore.
25 oktober 2013
Prachtige verlichting
De donkere dagen komen er weer aan en dan kijk je nog eens goed naar je verlichting in huis. Altijd een lastige opdracht om daar een fijne balans in te krijgen. Zelf hou ik van net ietsjes te donker en warme verlichting. Deze lampen van Triplex uit Zweden doen me denken aan de Jieldé exemplaren maar dan net iets meer van deze tijd.
Days are getting shorter and this makes us look again at our light decor in our homes. I always find that a difficult thing to work out. Most of the time I end up with a slightly dark room with warm tone lighting. I love these Triplex lamps from Sweden I found online. They remind me of the Jieldé ones but than somewhat more modern.
Days are getting shorter and this makes us look again at our light decor in our homes. I always find that a difficult thing to work out. Most of the time I end up with a slightly dark room with warm tone lighting. I love these Triplex lamps from Sweden I found online. They remind me of the Jieldé ones but than somewhat more modern.
19 oktober 2013
A peak into my life and motherhood
Ik ben niet het type blogger die veel eigen foto's op het blog plaatst. Voor mij is het blog meer een middel om bruggen te bouwen tussen mijn inspiraties en mijn blog lezers. Daarnaast vind ik zelf mijn eigen foto's nog niet echt blog waardig. In de afgelopen twee jaar heb ik geen tijd gevonden (of genomen) om mijn camera goed uit te vogelen. Wil je toch weten wat er verder in mijn leven gebeurd kijk dan eens bij mijn Instagram account.
I'm not much of a 'personal' blogger. For me my blog is all about building bridges between the inspirations I see online and my readers. And also because in the past 1,5 years I still haven't found (or taken) the time to figure out my camera to make blog worthy pictures. All the more reason to follow me on Instagram if you are interested in a peak into my life and motherhood.
8 oktober 2013
Hoe slapen de Vikingen anno 2013?

Lilleba... Op instagram gespot bij een lief klein kindje. En bij het online bekijken van de collectie van dit Noorse merk zie ik dat er ook aan het nacht gewaad van stoere Vikingen is gedacht. Voor de volledigheid... ook aan de vrouwen is gedacht. Allen ontworpen met aandacht voor materiaal, vorm en functie en voorzien van fijne prints. Zoek ook je favorieten bij de webwinkel.
Lilleba... A brand I spotted on Instagram on a little baby boy. When looking the collection of this Norwegian brand up online I see there are also a line for strong Viking like men. Oh and to be complete... also for women. All designed with great attention for material, shape and function and in beautiful Nordic prints. Find your own favorites in their online shop.
1 oktober 2013
Jurianne Matter goes black and white for VT wonen
Wow what a great display of beautiful items by Jurianne Matter. She is a Dutch designer of paper items. This black and white edition is designed specially for the Dutch interior magazine VT Wonen. You can purchase it in their online shop.
Thank you Irene from Bloesem Blog for the inspiration.
30 september 2013
You know more than you think you do
De eerste keer dat ik PINTEREST leerde kennen kwam ik heel veel leuke typografie posters tegen. Deze van Anthony Burrill kende ik echter nog niet dus dank je Vlinspiratie voor de inspiratie. De grijs/zwarte combinatie zou geweldig staan in ons huis en ik hou van de positieve teksten.
When I first discovered PINTEREST I came across many nice typography posters. This one by Anthony Burrill was new to me so thank you Vlinspiratie for the inspiration. I love the grey/black color combination and the positive message.
27 september 2013
Don't miss this on our KIDS blog
On our Lille Lykke KIDS blog today: one of many cute leggings by House of Mia styled with the cute moccasins by Freshly Picked.
25 september 2013
Scandinavian style in Australia
Dit is het huis van Australische stylist Simone Haag. Ik volg haar op Instagram en het is dan ook heel leuk zo'n mooie foto's van haar op diverse sites tegen te komen. Ik bleef hangen omwille van de 'For Like Ever' poster. Wil al een tijdje zo'n mooie poster en hoop er ook eentje mee te nemen naar Singapore. Meer zien van Simone Haag, kijk eens op haar inspirerende blog of volg haar ook op Instagram.
This is the home of Australian stylist Simone Haag. I have been following her on Instagram for a while now and it's nice to come across so many of her images at several sites. I stuck to this one because of the 'For Live Ever' poster in the background. Have got my eye on this poster for a while now and hope to be able to take one to Singapore with me. Curious to see more work of Simone Haag, check out her blog and become a follower on Instagram.
This is the home of Australian stylist Simone Haag. I have been following her on Instagram for a while now and it's nice to come across so many of her images at several sites. I stuck to this one because of the 'For Live Ever' poster in the background. Have got my eye on this poster for a while now and hope to be able to take one to Singapore with me. Curious to see more work of Simone Haag, check out her blog and become a follower on Instagram.
24 september 2013
Nieuwe patronen bij Brita Sweden
Brita Sweden ontwerpt en produceert hoge kwaliteit plastic kleden en dekens. Zelf ben ik met name gevallen voor de kleden. Ze zijn stevig, met vrolijke patronen en frisse contrasterende kleuren. Ik ken het merk al een tijdje en dit keer ben ik ook zeer blij verrast met de fotografie. Mooie styling en geweldig gebruik van kleur. De gele thonet stoelen, de lichtblauwe trap en de zwarte muur tegenover een witte vloer. Ik krijg jeuk aan mijn vingers om de verfkwast op te pakken.
De producten van Brita Sweden zijn nog niet verkrijgbaar bij Nederlandse retailers maar daar komt vast spoedig verandering in. Ze laten zich namelijk vertegenwoordigen door Nordic Child. Kan je niet wachten... kijk dan eens op de website van Brita Sweden voor de resellers. Er staan voldoende webshops bij die ook leveren in Nederland.
Brita Sweden is a brand that designs and produces high quality plastic rugs and blankets. I specially like the rugs as they are sturdy, in playful designs and bright contrasting colors. This time I've also fallen in love with their images. Great styling and use of colors. The yellow thonet chairs, the light blue painted wooden stairs and the painted black wall against a white floor. I so feel like picking up the paintbrush now.
The Brita Sweden products are not sold in the Netherlands yet but this will soon change as Nordic Child is the new agent for this brand. And if you can't wait... look at the list of resellers on the Brita Sweden website to find some webshops that do ship to the Netherlands.
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