23 november 2018
#SEASONGIFTGUIDES no 5 - we may need a bigger chimney
Every year I struggle making a wish list. During the year I can come up with numerous items I would like but when the pressure is on... I stall... This year I imagined a room and a mood. So I came up with a bedroom where you get ready for the day surrounded by a selection of precious items. This includes a rug... hence the titel 'we may need a bigger chimney'.
A-line satin dress | Huette Leather Boots | Arc en Ciel pailleté blue et doré | Hay rug blue | Dark chocolate with golden glaze necklace | Muuto candelabra green | Tonone Bolt desk lamp blue | Society of Wanderers bedding Topanga

16 november 2018
H E L L O F R I D A Y | Scandinavian design hand in hand with traditional flower decor
Going through Pinterest and Instagram I see a lot of old English and Scandinavian atmosphere with abundant flower wallpapers and velvet chairs. This style is brought to this century by adding modern quote posters, design light features and minimalistic modern furniture. As soon as it catches my eye I need to try to create my own style of collage with this atmosphere.

Artwork trees and flowers by Desenio | wallpaper by House of Hackney | Thin frame lounge chair by Lawson Fenning | Tulou coffee table by Muuto | Pebble Rug by Muuto | Floor lamp Nathan by Ellos

Artwork trees and flowers by Desenio | wallpaper by House of Hackney | Thin frame lounge chair by Lawson Fenning | Tulou coffee table by Muuto | Pebble Rug by Muuto | Floor lamp Nathan by Ellos
13 november 2018
#SEASONGIFTUIDES No 4 - Prepare for a Winter Wonderland
Another 'SEASON GIFT GUIDE' edition for you! I love winter and hope we get a frosty one so we can take the kids out with the sledge and ice skates. The good thing about all this frisky outdoor life is that you double enjoy the moments of comfort and warmth inside. A hot chocolate drink with one if these fun chocolate bars or playing for hours in your maillot on this Winder Wonderland tale telling play mat. Let the temperatures drop, I am so so ready for it.
Chocolate bars milk & white from HEMA | Panda wool cardigan by Mini Rodini | Moon Picnic Weather station | Twinkle twinkle garland | Tretorn active Chelsea winter rubber boots | Molo maillot pink | Winter wonderland play mat by ByAlex Playmats
Chocolate bars milk & white from HEMA | Panda wool cardigan by Mini Rodini | Moon Picnic Weather station | Twinkle twinkle garland | Tretorn active Chelsea winter rubber boots | Molo maillot pink | Winter wonderland play mat by ByAlex Playmats
9 november 2018
H E L L O F R I D A Y | Let's get excited about ZONDAG (Sunday)
Sundays.. the last day of the week. A day to come together with friends or family. A day of sports and of taking time for things. Like for instance cooking. Weather it is a breakfast, a lunch or a dinner... at least one meal on Sunday should feel like a feast.
In England they have the Naked Chef and in the Netherlands we have The Holy Kauw Company. With a passion for food and an eye for creativity and styling the couple Arno and Mireille create magic with their food concepts. And not just for the newly weds on a catered party or for one of their magazine collaborations, they also bundle their best recipes in an amazing book.
Together with Uitgeverij Snor they have created the book ZONDAG (Sunday). For now it is only available in Dutch but I am sure if their star continues to rise an English version will follow. Let's continue the excitement. On my Instagram account you can enter a give away to get your own copy of this book.
This book is in Dutch so my suggestion is to join the give away if you have mastered the language. And once you have practiced the recipes... feel free to share some images using #zondagboek.
In England they have the Naked Chef and in the Netherlands we have The Holy Kauw Company. With a passion for food and an eye for creativity and styling the couple Arno and Mireille create magic with their food concepts. And not just for the newly weds on a catered party or for one of their magazine collaborations, they also bundle their best recipes in an amazing book.
Together with Uitgeverij Snor they have created the book ZONDAG (Sunday). For now it is only available in Dutch but I am sure if their star continues to rise an English version will follow. Let's continue the excitement. On my Instagram account you can enter a give away to get your own copy of this book.
This book is in Dutch so my suggestion is to join the give away if you have mastered the language. And once you have practiced the recipes... feel free to share some images using #zondagboek.
6 november 2018
K I D S T U E S D A Y | Still not bored with the jungle theme, are you?
We still cannot get enough of the JUNGLE theme for a kids bedroom. It is because you can take it into so many different directions. Go 'botanical' with a few stuffed wild animals, or use some 'bohemian' to create the feel of a jungle treehouse.
In this 'mood board' below (sorry I wanted to see what it would actually look like) I combined some online favourite brands, some Instagram hits and a newly discovered lamp that makes my heart sing. Get me a room and a budget and i will create this dream space for your little ones.
In this 'mood board' below (sorry I wanted to see what it would actually look like) I combined some online favourite brands, some Instagram hits and a newly discovered lamp that makes my heart sing. Get me a room and a budget and i will create this dream space for your little ones.
1 november 2018
Autumn... a season I appreciate so much more not I can enjoy it with my kids
Shop credits for the Autumn inspired moodboard on Instagram:

Maileg bunny Carla with sweater | Woodland Children's print by Wonder & Rah | Muuto pendant lamp Grain nature | Wall hooks trees by Ted & Tone | Mog Mittens oatmeal by Donna Wilson | Duvet covers by La Cerise sur la Gateau | Pine no Whine pillow by House of Rym

Maileg bunny Carla with sweater | Woodland Children's print by Wonder & Rah | Muuto pendant lamp Grain nature | Wall hooks trees by Ted & Tone | Mog Mittens oatmeal by Donna Wilson | Duvet covers by La Cerise sur la Gateau | Pine no Whine pillow by House of Rym
24 oktober 2018
Dutch Design Week 2018

Ieder jaar is het weer mooier, weer grootser en weer beter georganiseerd. Met als achtergrond de verlaten productie fabrieken van onder andere Philips en Campina presenteert Eindhoven ieder jaar in oktober de Dutch Design Week. Door de combinatie van grotere namen, aanstormend talent en designs die vragen bij je oproepen is het voor mij hét inspiratie event van het jaar. Als je gaat probeer het dan over minstens twee dagen te verdelen. Anders kan het wat overweldigend zijn. Ik heb geluk met familie die in de buurt woont waar ik kan logeren. Je kunt om van lokatie naar lokatie te komen fietsen reserveren en ook gebruik maken van de 'free ride' auto's waar ze mee rond rijden.
15 oktober 2018
#SEASONGIFTGUIDES No3: are your kids the kind that like to build things?
Check out these toys!! Are your kids the kind that love to build things? Mine are. Thank goodness because I also love that type of play. For this post I've done quite a search to get a fun combination of age, skill and price range. The toys are unique and fun and will keep your kids away from the screens.
Not kidding! Can't wait for the cold winter days that you go out for a walk or some sledding, come home and get all cosy with one of these toys. These will for sure go on our family wish list!
#seasongiftguides are an addition to my Favourite Friday and Kids Tuesday posts in the months approaching the holiday season. My attempt to introduce you to some toys and gifts you may not have seen before. All items worth the shipping costs of online shopping I promise. We kick off once a week and towards mid November/December I will add some extra gift guides. ENJOY!
Bakoba megabox (red dot award winner!) | Cubetto: a wooden toy robot teaching the basics of programming) | Apollo, construction game by Londji | Makedo Toolkit (your kids will never let you throw out a cardboard box as they will use it to build) | Poppik sticker poster (like pixel art on the iPad but than on paper, or a modern version of colour by number).
Not kidding! Can't wait for the cold winter days that you go out for a walk or some sledding, come home and get all cosy with one of these toys. These will for sure go on our family wish list!
#seasongiftguides are an addition to my Favourite Friday and Kids Tuesday posts in the months approaching the holiday season. My attempt to introduce you to some toys and gifts you may not have seen before. All items worth the shipping costs of online shopping I promise. We kick off once a week and towards mid November/December I will add some extra gift guides. ENJOY!
Bakoba megabox (red dot award winner!) | Cubetto: a wooden toy robot teaching the basics of programming) | Apollo, construction game by Londji | Makedo Toolkit (your kids will never let you throw out a cardboard box as they will use it to build) | Poppik sticker poster (like pixel art on the iPad but than on paper, or a modern version of colour by number).
8 oktober 2018
#SEASONGIFTGUIDES No2: Galaxy never gets boring
Finding fun and unique things to gift your children this holiday season doesn't have to be difficult. Just keep an eye out for our #seasongiftguides. At LilleLykke we source the internet for the most cute, fun, must have items. Sometimes in a theme like here, sometimes just by colour or play theme.
Galaxy will never bore your kids. It is something mesmerising and even will intrigue us grown ups. As endless as the galaxy is the options for gifts are equally endless. Last year I made a great boys gift guide. This one tends to lean towards the girls. The scratch cards by Djeco are a real treat. Will keep your kids happily busy during the vacation days. And what little one doesn't love a pretty music box to keep your favourite little items.
What are your favourite SPACE & GALAXY items?
Djeco music box Superman mister moon | Brooches space | Velvet star pillows (available in any colour imaginable) | Djeco scratch cards Cosmic Mission
2 oktober 2018
KIDS TUESDAY - for doll loving ground playing girly girls
As you may know by now I am a boys mama. Could that be why I enjoy creating these girly rooms collages so much? The start for this collage was this amazing doll bed by Crate and Barrel. I know most mommies are in love with the Sebra one but this is a good contestant as well if you ask me. It's a mini version of a Jenny Lind bed. Combined with the magical stars in the canopy and the lush little flowers on the ByAlex Playmat you have a winner.
Why the crate... I'm not sure. It is becoming quite a hype on Instagram. It must be the cute colours plus all parents are keen on storage for the toys. But I never thought a plastic crate like this could get all of us running to the shops. Don't have one (yet) but am starting to see the benefit.

Sources for the products:
Playmat with flowers | Carboard pendant light | little stars canopy | rabbit soft toy with oversized sweater (she had me with the sweater I must admit) | plastic storage crate (available in many trendy colours) | Jenny Lind doll bed
1 oktober 2018
It is too early to start making suggestions for Sinterklaas and Christmas shopping? No! Ok that came out a bit harsh.
Before you know it favourites will have sold out. You get so flustered with everything that needs to be organised you forget where you have spotted something. Or the worst... you leave it to the last minute meaning there is not enough time for online (original) shopping so you are doomed to buy Lego or Playmobil. Don't get me wrong, great toys, we have them at home in an overload. But they don't give a parent the same kind of fulfilment as the carefully selected items in my #seasongiftguides will do.
Put them on your wishlist or drop them in a shopping basket today. What works for you, works for me. Enjoy this years gift guides. There will be plenty more coming.
Sources for the items selected: Candy bracelets | Wall decoration lion | Poster 'together' | knitted doll Lauvely Friend | lunchbox | Patterned legging
Before you know it favourites will have sold out. You get so flustered with everything that needs to be organised you forget where you have spotted something. Or the worst... you leave it to the last minute meaning there is not enough time for online (original) shopping so you are doomed to buy Lego or Playmobil. Don't get me wrong, great toys, we have them at home in an overload. But they don't give a parent the same kind of fulfilment as the carefully selected items in my #seasongiftguides will do.
Put them on your wishlist or drop them in a shopping basket today. What works for you, works for me. Enjoy this years gift guides. There will be plenty more coming.

28 september 2018
FAVOURITE FRIDAY - lightness and darkness combined in a sereen design
When I think about this design I see a renovated home with fresh plastered walls, steal frame doors and a light wooden floor such as this chevron floor (we call this in Dutch a Hungarian point floor). The wallpaper is quite dark and heavily decorated. So this asks for a light balance. Found in the cloud lamps and the artwork with jellyfish art. It needed a warm highlight somewhere and I have a similar floral lamp on the wall at home which I LOVE.
This is a basic design which can be used as a guideline for your own living room design. Add a Chesterfield or a solid MUUTO sofa. Choose your side to emphasise.. lightness or darkness. Create your own happy place in the finishes.
18 september 2018
KIDS TUESDAY.... some decorations for the room
There is so much to find to decorate a kids room. No matter what style you like. I love to source things that trigger a kids imagination or their urge to play. With Dinosaurs, bugs and pretty art pieces you can never go wrong. All come in different prints, colours and shapes so make sure you visit the sites to find the ones that fit your room.

Wallpaper Tiny Tots Esseners light-grey | Dinosaur banner - In the Jungle Brochiosaurus & Parasaurolophus | Enjoy sign via Kwantum store | Giant cardboard stag beetle | UMASQU wall hanger Eye #3 | Wide leather wall pocket | Tine K Home rattan wall shelf

Wallpaper Tiny Tots Esseners light-grey | Dinosaur banner - In the Jungle Brochiosaurus & Parasaurolophus | Enjoy sign via Kwantum store | Giant cardboard stag beetle | UMASQU wall hanger Eye #3 | Wide leather wall pocket | Tine K Home rattan wall shelf
11 september 2018
KIDS TUESDAY... Let's head for the mountains
With the wether changing and Autumn approaching we get that 'get the house winter cosy' itch. But what to look for? It is so hard these days to find something original. When I open Instagram I see mommy bloggers working hard to get their kids all the cool items (often in a sponsored post) and this inspires other moms to get inspired and follow. What I am longing for is quirkiness, identity, uniqueness. Difficult as with Internet we have all seen it somewhere before. For this wallpaper I've looked on Spoonflower. It makes me feel that you can reach all the fun designers that normally would not be able to create a wallpaper. With a handful of colours represented in the print as my starting point it was easy to find the right accessories to decorate the room. All it needed as a finishing touch was some quirkiness. The result: a moodboard with FUN, PLAYTIME and HUMOUR.
Wallpaper 'Call of the Mountains' | Garland Rainbow New Elements | Rectangular pillow cover Oscar Litchi 40 | Charcoal round velvet pillow cover | Poster Wilde by Pax and Hart via MioMeraki | Party Sloth pillow | Poster NORTH by Warmgrey Tail | Wallhanger in the shape of a house by ZARA Home | Spot-nik lamp Dirty Mint by Van Tjalle en Jasper
7 september 2018
Hello Friday.... new Flexa 2019 colour: Spiced Honey
Flexa presented the colour of 2019 this week. Last year I was not very keen on the colour of the year. Heartwood will not be likely to end up on my wall. This new colour is more my cup of tea. It is called 'spiced honey' and it feels a bit caramel to me. I've used this colour to create an inspirational collage.
With autumn approaching I've chosen some warm terracotta colours to match and soften the Flexa paint. Plus some warm brique red accents. My hands are getting itchy to make some changes at home. Was already thinking about new colours and feel I've found my match.
Artwork 'Flower no 2' | Flexa Spiced Honey | Cane floor lamp with green legs | Wicker table lamp | Lounge chair SOUL | Geometric pattern rug | Wool pillow with fringe
With autumn approaching I've chosen some warm terracotta colours to match and soften the Flexa paint. Plus some warm brique red accents. My hands are getting itchy to make some changes at home. Was already thinking about new colours and feel I've found my match.
Artwork 'Flower no 2' | Flexa Spiced Honey | Cane floor lamp with green legs | Wicker table lamp | Lounge chair SOUL | Geometric pattern rug | Wool pillow with fringe
4 september 2018
Kids Tuesday.... step outside your comfort zone
Who needs a comfort zone when it comes to creating a kids room? Whatever you do... dstep on't ever leave the odd one out. It may just make the room. When creating this collage I was not really sure if the leopard print throw would work. That thought in itself is reason enough for me to leave it there. If I take it out and put a more plain coloured one there it would become 'expected' and therefor somewhat boring. The last thing I look for in a kids room is boring.
The bamboo fly screen is so pretty it could just as easily be a wall hanger in the room. I can imagine kids finding come peace and calm from their hectic every day lives when they are laying in bed playing with the strings.
Door curtain Bamboo Tropical | Gold metal arrow mirror | Large blue bird fringe pendant light shade | Leopard double sided quilt | Plastic rug PEMBA blush | Alder wood Nido bed by Krethaus
The bamboo fly screen is so pretty it could just as easily be a wall hanger in the room. I can imagine kids finding come peace and calm from their hectic every day lives when they are laying in bed playing with the strings.
Door curtain Bamboo Tropical | Gold metal arrow mirror | Large blue bird fringe pendant light shade | Leopard double sided quilt | Plastic rug PEMBA blush | Alder wood Nido bed by Krethaus
27 juli 2018
Hello Friday.... Let's go outside and enjoy the Summer
Let's talk about this summer. It is such a great sunny and warm time this year. Nothing better to do than go outside and enjoy your garden. This trend I am quite positive is coming directly from all the Pinterest inspirations. The dark timber in the gardens combined with luscious greens. I also have a few boards filled with some amazing gardens. Another thing I really like are the flagstone patios. A bit 70s but I like the playful, natural look you get with this tile.
As much as I enjoy long evenings outside I really don't like getting cold or eaten by mosquitos. So often I pull a little blanket over my legs. Both for comfort and practical reasons. Enjoy these garden suggestions. And how exciting that you can find so many nice options for design garden lighting. You will have to dig a bit in your wallet but how often do you change garden lights? They are so worth it.

17 juli 2018
Kids Tuesday... it's funky, it's fresh and full of surprises
Find all credit to this funky fresh kids room here:
Wallpaper Farrow & Ball closet stripe st 360 | Tufted rug Faiza via Urban Outfitters | Corridor wall lamp by Dutch Bone (check out this lamp!!!) | Casement Black small sideboard (perfect storage) via Create & Barrel | Swedese Spin stool via Mister Design | YAY wall banner (about poster size) via Ponyrider in Australia | Bedding (almost sold out) by h&m
13 juli 2018
Hello Friday... this feels like summer! It's holiday time
I can smell the summer here! Iced cold Gin and Tonic drinks, vibrant colourful vegetable crisps and kids playing outside. The school holidays have started and I am hoping it will allow me to do a bit more blogging. Sounds a bit off but I work as a freelancer during school hours. So with the holidays here I will be home a lot more. Hopefully you'll have a great summer and I can't wait to throw some more inspirations your way...
Bonnie and Neal table runner Watercolour blue | Vegetable crisps by 'De Hippe Vegetarian' | Kyoto ceramic plate by HK Living | Wine glass with blush pink base by HK Living | Glass sunset by Lagerhaus | Madam Stoltz placemat grey via Deens | Broste Copenhagen Nordic Sand collection salad servers
Bonnie and Neal table runner Watercolour blue | Vegetable crisps by 'De Hippe Vegetarian' | Kyoto ceramic plate by HK Living | Wine glass with blush pink base by HK Living | Glass sunset by Lagerhaus | Madam Stoltz placemat grey via Deens | Broste Copenhagen Nordic Sand collection salad servers
22 juni 2018
Hello Friday.... All you need for a bedroom with flair
1 mei 2018
K i d s T u e s d a y - not every super hero is one of the Avengers
Every kid has big dreams. Wether it is to become an astronaut or a superhero. And they all love love love a themed bedroom. Mums do as well but they cringe when they think of the off the shelf commercial bright superhero stuff. As the really young ones don't watch it anyways you can offer them your own take on the SUPER HERO theme. Here's mine.... It's soft, it's cuddly, it's often hand made and absolutely stylish.

6 april 2018
Pinterest - Top 10 jungle fever
Fiona Walker England Baboon animal wall head | Lorena Canal Washable rug Monstera Leaf | Pax and Hart Spot poster | Ferm Living kids Pineapple cushion | Studio Roof wall hanger parrot | Hartendief circular wallpaper Mighty Jungle | H&M Slub Wave cushion cover tiger (not available in all countries) | Braided cactus via Couleur Locale | Leopard/Teal Butterfly Double sided quilt | Amayadeeme CESAR tiger artwork from the Party collection
Do you have other Jungle themed items that are your favourite and you would like to share. Do leave a comment either here or on Instagram.
H e l l o F r i d a y - A clash of styles can be just what a room needs
A clash of styles doesn't always result in something confusing. It can be just the little thing a room needs to disturb the balance. Why would you want to do this? Because balance is great and all but also can be a bit boring. I prefer an interior that excites, gives you something to look at, and makes you wonder how the misfits happen to work so well together. That is what I have tried to do with this e-design. I've added the industrial look, the neo renaissance, some modern Scandinavian design and bold pops of colour. Best part for me personally... my 4 year old sat on my lap telling me what to put where, how to scale and which items to mirror. My own little apprentice.
All brand credits can be found on my Instagram account.

3 april 2018
K i d s T u e s d a y - Some ocean trend finds to accessorise a kids room
I don't always see the trends coming. But that the ocean one was coming into the kids room could be seen from miles away. What does surprise me is that there are so many great products to find that have that little bit extra: being not too main stream.
This artwork from Amayadee makes my heart cheer for joy. I discovered her through her Party collection full of fun wild animals. Were I thought this was the summum the under water collection is even better! And something very small like this raffia bucket with contrasted colour handle can make my heart sing. I hope you find some inspiration in these gatherings for your own rooms to style.
Bamboo fish mirror | Fish artwork | Big washable fish cushion | Decorated tile wall hanger | Ceramic wall hooks | Table lamp | Raffia bucket
This artwork from Amayadee makes my heart cheer for joy. I discovered her through her Party collection full of fun wild animals. Were I thought this was the summum the under water collection is even better! And something very small like this raffia bucket with contrasted colour handle can make my heart sing. I hope you find some inspiration in these gatherings for your own rooms to style.

27 maart 2018
K i d s T u e s d a y - some amazing finds in a muted color pallet
This wallpaper designed by Laura Blythman is amazing. Looks like actual layers of mountains for as far as the eye can see. When looking for something original in wallpaper be sure to check out Jimmy Cricket in Australia as they have a great selection. I am also keen to see what Liveloudgirl can do with this jungle print. A true beauty! With these items the room can be suitable for a young child or a young adult. It's all in the accessories that finish the look.
Wallpaper Laura Blythman via Jimmy Cricket | Dyberg Larsen Haipot pendant lamp Red Rusty Earth Dark Red | Numero 74 multicoloured garland via Smallable | Poster A4 size with a wooden A print via Denesio | ByAlex Playmats big cushion soft grey | ByAlex Playmats playmat easy clean Velvet 'thank you mother earth' | Punched organizer grey by HAY | Hüsch metal baskets | Busca Naturel stool via Kwantum (Dutch) |
Wallpaper Laura Blythman via Jimmy Cricket | Dyberg Larsen Haipot pendant lamp Red Rusty Earth Dark Red | Numero 74 multicoloured garland via Smallable | Poster A4 size with a wooden A print via Denesio | ByAlex Playmats big cushion soft grey | ByAlex Playmats playmat easy clean Velvet 'thank you mother earth' | Punched organizer grey by HAY | Hüsch metal baskets | Busca Naturel stool via Kwantum (Dutch) |
20 maart 2018
K i d s T u e s d a y - You are gold baby... solid gold!
When you accessorise a room you want to create atmosphere. You'll be looking for the right items such as wall lights, cushion, garlands and mirrors that fit the theme. Here I have selected some of my favourite gold items. Not all the most obvious choice for a kids room but to me it is the surprising element that gives the wow effect. For instance... I personally would be tempted to put the cherry light sculpture in the kitchen.

Garland stars Numero74 | ABC garland Meri Meri | Honoré Décoration wall lamp | Silly et Billy moon sequin cushion | Carries light sculpture Urban Outfitters | Honore Decoration pineapple mirror | White star light Graham and Brown
16 maart 2018
H e l l o F r i d a y - ARKET has arrived in the Netherlands! A Spring kitchen selection
There is a new kid in town! If that happens these days it almost goes un noticed. Until the 'new kid' is a store chain from Sweden. Than we wake up and go and explore. ARKET has launched their first Dutch store in Amsterdam at Koningsplein. A must visit next time I am in the capital city. For now I have made a selection of their online collection and added some fun Danish OYOY kitchen items. I love the instant spring vibes you get from this.
ARKET turtle bags string bag black | ARKET small glass flower pot | ARKET terracotta flower pot | ARKET short Wood serving spoons | OYOY oak cutting board | ARKET Bordallo Pinheiro Concave leaf plate 26 cm | ARKET Jerome Epinette Vetiver Handwash | ARKET medium spherical vase grey | OYOY milk & sugar people set | in the background Goose-eye stripe tea towel
13 maart 2018
K i d s T u e s d a y - Let's hop on the botanical trend with some one of a kind accessories
If there is one trend that is going on a little while longer and that is very hard to miss it is the botanical trend. Tropical birds like crane birds and flamingos are everywhere and popping up on nice wallpapers like this one, this one and this one. Combined with the ever so popular Monstera plant leaves on pillows or bedding. I personally prefer to combine this birst of brightness and sun with a modest wallpaper. To not go too much over the top. After all... trends are trends and will be replace with another hype at some point.
Wallpaper by Milton and King | Crane lamp by Sissy Boy Homeland | Calhoun & Co throw blanket bananas via Urban Outfitters | Rocking chair by Kids Depot | Fruiticana snake pink by Ferm Living Kids | Monstera leaf cushion via Urban outfitters | Leaf cushion Ferm Living kids
Wallpaper by Milton and King | Crane lamp by Sissy Boy Homeland | Calhoun & Co throw blanket bananas via Urban Outfitters | Rocking chair by Kids Depot | Fruiticana snake pink by Ferm Living Kids | Monstera leaf cushion via Urban outfitters | Leaf cushion Ferm Living kids
9 maart 2018
H e l l o F r i d a y - Kitchen goals and wallpaper dilemmas
As a wallpaper lover I chose to put wallpaper in my kitchen. Not your most average choice as most people have tiled splash back. However, when we renovated our apartment we expected to only be living here a few years. With the wallpaper on the wall I get the look I love and whomever comes to live here next still can make their own choice for tiles.
This does mean I have to change my wallpaper every now and than because no matter how clean you try to be... there will be splashes on the wall. My previous wallpaper was a tile pattern (go figure, I don't put up tiles but take a tile pattern wallpaper). Now I want something more bold. I keep changing my mind on what I want (is it flowers like in this collage, or crane birds, or maybe a dark tiny flower pattern that I love so much at Krickelin). Budget wise I should go with this as it is only 22 euros per roll. Can you believe that!
Wallpaper by Graham and Brown via Hornbach | Tonone Bolt wall lamp striking orange | Tonone Bolt wall lamp smokey black | Ikea UDDEN extractor hood (check if your ikea still has the mint one) | MENU salt and pepper shakers | Normann Copenhagen wall mounted pocket organizers | IKEA Ekbacken kitchen worktop | Studio Fromata serving tray
So... what do you think? A fun vibrant kitchen that you would love to cook in or too over the top for your taste? Let me know your preferences and I can try to incorporate that in my next design.
This does mean I have to change my wallpaper every now and than because no matter how clean you try to be... there will be splashes on the wall. My previous wallpaper was a tile pattern (go figure, I don't put up tiles but take a tile pattern wallpaper). Now I want something more bold. I keep changing my mind on what I want (is it flowers like in this collage, or crane birds, or maybe a dark tiny flower pattern that I love so much at Krickelin). Budget wise I should go with this as it is only 22 euros per roll. Can you believe that!

So... what do you think? A fun vibrant kitchen that you would love to cook in or too over the top for your taste? Let me know your preferences and I can try to incorporate that in my next design.
6 maart 2018
K i d s T u e s d a y - Forest friends that accompany your sleep
As a freelancer I work with several companies to expand their exposure online and offline. One of those brands is Hartendief. In these collages I have combined their product and my Lille Lykke way of styling. Plus this is an easy way to show this wallpaper circle is suitable for many background wall colours. You can really create your own atmosphere. Ideal of kids who go to their 'big boy bed' and can still use some comfort at night of some forest friends.

27 februari 2018
K i d s T u e s d a y - Muted blue and concrete grey with great boy posters
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A boys room design that young boys can grow old with. Just change some of the accessories that are adorably cute when they are young but become childish when they are older. So invest in the base materials such as a cool wallpaper and a beautiful rug. A designer like chair and bench that will be used for years to come.
Star garland silver by Numero74 | Sibori Wallpaper by Milton and King | Rug Design House Stockholm | To the Moon art prints Tyranozaur and Superhero | BePureHome Spotlight Floorlamp | Fameg Venice no.9 armstool | Ferm Living kids Little Architect bench dark blue
23 februari 2018
H e l l o F r i d a y - When blog friends launch a new brand with huge potential
There is a new brand just around the corner. Three of my blog friends have teamed up with a Dutch retailer for something very clever. They each get to design their own collection and Kwantum knows all about producing on larger scale plus has the 100+ shops to sell the goods. Here is a sneak peak. Find all of this in stores from the 19th of March.
Some price info: pillow €14,- | mirror €25,- | lamp €35,- | wall hook €4,50 | canvas wall deco €12,- | poof stool (take the pillow out and it’s a side table) €60,- | basket €10,- .
Some price info: lamps €45,- and €30,- | rug €25,- | pillow left €19,- | pillow right €17,- | wall shelf €9,- | tray (box) € 2,50 | vase pink (love this one) € 12,- | side table €29,- .
The Zilverblauw WOWN collection for Kwantum.
Some price info: wallpaper €22,- | poster €9,- or €15,- | lamp €29,- | photo shelf €15,- | cups €3,- or xl €5,- | plaid €29,- | pillow €17,- .
20 februari 2018
K i d s T u e s d a y - Boys need to feel wild and free
If you don't want to go to permanent in your statements than you look for the right accessories. The artwork by Terry Fan can be found as a full mural at Milton and King. At the same time you can also choose a posters of any size at Juniqe. It's all about how bold you wish to go in a kids bedroom.
For me personally it can never be daring enough. As that is where the excitement happens and you create a unique living space. So even though I haven't chosen the mural for this collage I did go for a rather bold wallpaper. When keeping the rest of the items 'in tone' it can all compliment each other. These are all items that can grow with your child right into the days they say 'it's time, I'm leaving the nest'.
Wall light Lucide Mizuko | Pendant lamp unfold Muuto | Wallpaper Raphaël Blue by Sandberg Wallpaper | Terry Fan 'Age of the Giants' poster via Juniqe | Matthew Taylor Wilson 'Wild & Free' poster via Juniqe | Storage basket jacquard woven and Jute black and white via H&M home | Rattan chair Stockholm 2017 via IKEA | A-frame bookcase via PB Teen | Rattan rug Kidsdepot via Wehkamp
For me personally it can never be daring enough. As that is where the excitement happens and you create a unique living space. So even though I haven't chosen the mural for this collage I did go for a rather bold wallpaper. When keeping the rest of the items 'in tone' it can all compliment each other. These are all items that can grow with your child right into the days they say 'it's time, I'm leaving the nest'.
Wall light Lucide Mizuko | Pendant lamp unfold Muuto | Wallpaper Raphaël Blue by Sandberg Wallpaper | Terry Fan 'Age of the Giants' poster via Juniqe | Matthew Taylor Wilson 'Wild & Free' poster via Juniqe | Storage basket jacquard woven and Jute black and white via H&M home | Rattan chair Stockholm 2017 via IKEA | A-frame bookcase via PB Teen | Rattan rug Kidsdepot via Wehkamp
30 januari 2018
K i d s T u e s d a y... If money and space would not be an object
I love a good playroom for kids. Some of my friends are lucky enough to have a space in the basement or and attic room where the kids can have their own little domain. All I need is a pot of gold and a very good delivery man.

I simply love these two new items I've found. The lion head is by Ila y Ela and I already spotted in when going through the Maison et Objet hashtags an again later in the I Love Playtime Paris posts. I must admit that is a huge source of inspiration for me: going through hashtags when I cannot go to the actual expo. Another item that caught my eye is this lamp. It's a fun version for kids of so many of the designer black lamps with bulbs. And affordable so a nice balance against the overload of design I've put in this 'if money was no object' post.
The three little Muuto shelves would be used to display recent creations from Lego or Knexx. Things they would create on the round Normann Copenhagen table with bricks stored in the colourful boxes. Let's hope not too many items hit the floor. They will be swallowed by the lovely grid rug by LiveLoudGirl in collaboration with Maison Saadah.

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