Party confetti | Party hats by Meri Meri | Pass the parcel | XXL party animal mural | HAAISUUS bear paper mache head | drinking goggles straw (try your local party shop, I got mine at Action) | Party animal birthday cake (must admit I combined 3 recipes to get to this result, and it was very good!)
I know I am very very late. Not even stylish late anymore. But last Friday (I feel an excuse coming up) my oldest son had his birthday party. He is now a sweet 5 year old. We had 8 kids in the age of 3 to 5 for a fun afternoon at our home. In the week before I crafted a wall with XXL party animals, chose a recipe for the birthday cake and came up with some fun activities for the kids. No overload because I wanted to let them just play and enjoy themselves. That worked very well.
The only activity I had was a 'pass the parcel' game. I wrapped present over present over present until I had two presents for each kid wrapped. I ended up with a massive parcel to start the game with. Each kid had their own wrapping paper and we played music. Holding my checklist on who's paper was who's I stopped in time and they each had their turn to unwrap. Serious fun and very rewarding as they all got a few goodies to take home. I can recommend this for all ages and would say google it and go with it. My personal madness addition was a confetti canon that I let the birthday boy unwrap halfway the game to add to the festive atmosphere.
Another tip is a straw in the shape of a pair of glasses. Make sure you unwrap and assemble them before the start of the party cause that takes a bit of time. The kiddos loved them and got to takes these home as well. Received several thank you messages by the mothers saying it was a huge hit.
Hope you also have good parties and if you have great tips do share them with me. I love that!
TIP: making the party hats for animals is a tough job. Looks fun and easy but make sure you have a bit of time. And instead of pompoms I pushed a bit of pipe cleaner in the top of the hat. Stays in place much better and gives the same effect.
TIP: the animal with the cute yellow spotted hat is from HAAISUUS and made by Susan Meijerink. Besides making beautiful animals heads she is now starting to host workshops. I would say if you are in the area and have two days to spare to learn a new skill than go go go!
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